Sunday, January 16, 2011

The saga continues…

with Star Wars 4, 5, & 6. 
Quilting is coming along nicely. I just wish I could hold onto the handles for a longer period of time. I am only getting half way across the quilt before I have to let go because my hand is cramping up. I need to seriously start saving for a stitch regulator. Oh, well… just another thing to add to the never ending wish list.
Since there is a lot of pink in this quilt I am making it entirely girly by quilting flowers in each of the squares. I like to do the quilting part fast but charity quilts are a good way to learn new techniques without it mattering a great deal what the finished product looks like. 

These flowers are something I saw in a quilting video somewhere and liked the way they look. They are very easy to do, or would be if the thread didn’t keep breaking. The top is made from old drapery samples which might have something to do with that, either that or the crappy thread my mother brought me. Anyway, nearly done.

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