Saturday, January 8, 2011

This morning’s quilting was brought to you by Janet Evanovich’s Sizzling Sixteen and this afternoon by Jude Deveraux’s Scarlet Nights.
I seem to have gotten very little done for the amount of time I spent sewing. The new iron works well but having a retractable cord is a little weird. Finished and pressed 2 tops, the double 4-patch and wonky 9-patch. Hopefully I will finish the 2 triangle tops tomorrow so I can start quilting. In the rearranging I lost the yellow flannel I was going to use for the 9-patch so I think I will use the blue penguins instead.
I found another box of started quilt parts in the basement when looking for the pump for the balance ball. They were at the bottom of a box with tail-less sock monkeys… who knows who they were for.

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