Sunday, January 2, 2022

Happy New Year 2022!

 January 2 - a new day with new goals for a new year. The big one is to use more fabric than I buy. I've made a good start on that by chopping up 72 8.5" squares of Christmas fabric and the same number of backgrounds to go with them for the Merry Mayhem New Years Day mystery. I haven't done this one for awhile but it's a great way to start a quilty year. I also want to finish things that are already started so I'm going to take the suggestion that I saw somewhere to write down all ufo/phd's and put them in a jar to pull out when needing the next project. If I finish one for each new one I start it should be a very productive year.

2020 finishes:

These are the last quilt top made by my step-mom's mother who passed away this year. Instead of finishing it to one large quilt we cut it into 4 so each of her children could have one. They are all about 40" square and I only did the quilting and binding.

This one goes to Jacob, my newest grandson born at the end of September.

This one based on the pattern "Social Distanced Hugs" by Missouri Star is for Katie and her hubby. The fabric is a layer cake I got at a quilt show when Katie was still in high school.

This "Refracted Rainbow" is for Bea and their hubby. I could never pick any one color for Bea who has become a great artist hence the rainbow.

"I Spy a Jungle" is the theme of this baby quilt for Pat's first great-grandchild. I have known Pat since I was 7 (more than 50 years! how did that happen) when we moved to CR and she and my mom became friends. Sarah is Pat's oldest daughter and Jacob her oldest grandchild.

Elin and Bjorn are Pat's youngest grandchildren by her son Michael. She wanted them personalized for them so they got initials in the center and the borders are quilted with their names. The hearts in the center are reminiscent of Norwegian tole painting.
 which was the theme requested.

These are the first quilts I made in more than a year since 2020 just wasn't a time I felt much like creating much of anything. I was reluctant but I couldn't say no to my mom's best friend for most of my childhood.

Onward to the New Year!