Monday, January 3, 2011


When it rains it pours! My water heater has been blowing its fuse a lot lately and today was just too much. I now have a circuit breaker instead. Finally, I can take a shower.
My iron has also been having a hard time keeping an even temp and today has quit working entirely. I won’t be able to get another before Thursday, so I guess sewing will have to wait for a few days since everything is to a point of needing pressing before the next step.

Things to do in 2011:
The first 6 are my PhD’s for Myra’s challenge.
#1 is a double 4-patch started many years ago, I finished the top yesterday but it still needs quilting and binding.
#2 is triangles that I cut last week before counting all that I had waiting.
#3 is a wonky 9-patch kid’s quilt that was started about 1 ½ years ago and left to sit. It just needs the center seam and quilting.
#4 is a shoebox full of random ½ square triangles. These are mostly ugly fabric and not all cotton that someone gave me many, many years ago.
#5 is a wedding quilt for my nephew who is getting married in May.
#6 is a wedding quilt for my daughter who is getting married on October 1 and I have no idea what I am going to make.

The rest of the list is all the stuff I have started in the past and then put aside when something else came along.
#7 –penguin squares x2 (charity quilts, tops done, one still needs quilting, both need binding)
#8 –yellow weekend whatever (mystery quilt for my older daughter, all yellow fabric)
#9 –black & white (leftovers from a black & white quilt)
#10 –green fans (precut kit, very old)
#11 –pink fans (ditto)
#12 –string-piece spider web (can’t remember why I thought this would be quick & easy)
#13 –b/w stripes (leftovers x3)
#14 –pink ribbon (breast cancer)
#15 –10 inch triangles (what is the deal with triangles?)
#16 –blue/green mystery (Merry Mayhem, from July)
#17 –flower garden (appliqué)
#18 –pinwheel twist (2” strips cut on an angle, had nearly enough then used half for a baby quilt for a friend’s granddaughter)
#19 –denim (piles and piles)
#20 –cats in a whirl (keep losing the cats)
#21 –Michelle Christmas (painting from my dil that I promised to turn into a quilt)
#22 –Libee teacher random (great pattern, goes together fast, procrastination…)
#23 –Chris solids random (ditto)
#24 –4” coins (pinwheel twist strips that weren’t long enough)
#25 –purple/grey sashing (sashing cut that turned out to be not enough, so getting matched with purple squares from eBay)

I know there are more but...

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